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What Are Vril Demons: Reptilians, Clones, And Other Non-Human Entities


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Speaking of clones, please stop making duplicate accounts just to talk to yourself, eric.


Baconsalt > WTC7
The only thing worse than a devil-worshipper, is a DUMB devil worshipper...LOL well the Dino Velvet sock puppet and other fake personalities posted alot of bulshit to try and get this thread to another page,.. but didn't answer Mello's question. Guess banning him was easier than answering his question truthfully...but i guess if you were a truthful person, you wouldn't be a devil-worshipper.

Dio was just another devil-worshipping piece of shit, too cowardly to admit the true grotesque reality of his existence, so he goes the satanic atheist route in his interview. Lying is what devil-worshippers do best. No one believes he wasn't a full fledged two-bit demonic minstrel, even though he repudiated the devil as he should have. He is still going to hell like the rest of the degenerates, and this thread will go on while he burns for eternity, waiting for you an all of your fake aliases to join him! lololol

RONNIE JAMES DIO - “I’m Not A Satanist… My Moral Standards Are Not In Praise With The Devil”

Speaking of Black Sabbath tho, here is yet another devil-worshipping lying piece of shit trying to cover his ass. Why the fuck would you go so far out of your way to promote satanism for your WHOLE career, and then cower like a little bitch, scurring like a roach when the lights get turned on when somebody asks you about it...typical devil-worshipping low-life. Weak fucks always want to worship the Devil until it's judgement time to go to hell!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Dino Velvet, I'm not that familiar with Ronnie James Dio, but I looked him up, and I think he named his first album, or his first Group "Elf", and that was the only album he used his real name Padavona. My point is that clearly the term "Elf" had some special meaning to him. You seem like you are into that devil worship stuff with the pentagram and stuff, so I'm interested as to what occult meaning do you think "Elf" has, from a satanic point of view? Because this guy Dio was HIGHLY into the occult, and it obviously meant something to him.


Baconsalt > WTC7
I was informed that some litlte kids getting paid by mindgeek in monopoly money tampered with this thread to make it look like i support faggots. So I just want to make it clear that i don't in any way support gay or bisexual nazis, or homosexual men in general.

I know this site is pretty much just an online gay bar at this point,,,but I still use this site for my purposes from time to time, but I in no way support any homosexual agenda.

Just making sure that people know about these wierdos

Gay Nazi Devil Worship Fag Party


Baconsalt > WTC7
Guess he wouldn't be much of a Santa Claus without his snow!:) Dan was a legend, and a true American Icon. Animal whisperer, stunt man, set designer, actor, etc. Glad he's not around today to see what's happened to the country he loved so much.

Dio is an icon as well, I'm sure you like him because he was heavy into occultism and satanism, so his references to elves in the demoninc realm is no surpise. Although Ronnie completely disavowed his trademark "devil- horns" hand signs, and his Devil worshipping as time went on...As many attempt to do when they begin to come to terms with their own mortality.

Mello, your post is really cool and ties in excellently with Eric's thesis of this thread even going all the way back to his initial post 2 years ago. I swear Eric is like Yoda!!! Thanks Mello, this has my mind whirling, and now I find myself re-reading this whole thread from the beginning!:unsure:😲😵

[taped] from Christine Fitzgerald - Princess Diana's personal confidant - who then threatened to sue if the transcript of the tape - a tape made in front of witnesses. According to Christine Fitzgerald this is what Princess Diana told her.
Great post! For the guys that got banned, Like I told you, nobody gives ashit about a free pornboard...you were only here anyways because of me....So if you get a chance, just create an account from another location....If not, who cares...it's not a priority, there's nobody here anyways.....But thanks for the contributions! Very thought provoking and informative!(y):)
I know this site is pretty much just an online gay bar, I still use this site but I in no way support any homosexual agenda.

By definition, if you patronize a gay bar, you are supporting the gay bar.

Dude, your sexuality is between you and the conversion therapist - no judgment. Except for the Goddamn devil worshippers. They STAND judged, yeah buddy. Jesus!


Baconsalt > WTC7
I'm not gay, nor am i a gay basher. I'm sure the point of my posts regarding the topic are over your head, so there is no point in discussing it further.

By definition, patronage, refers to financial backing and support. So I don't patronize this site. I don't hang out here either because there is nothing going on here for me, financially or otherwise...you guys drive straight woman away from here right into my arms, so, in general, the further away I am from here the better lolol I already have more original content then i know what to do with, but i don't even use most of it because I don't want to be part of what the porn industry is, to the extent there is still even a porn industry outside of re-runs, OnlyFans solo acts, etc.

But if I do come here, it's ONLY to speak the truth and try to save lives. But I don't even like to do that because I'm busy, and I've said enough to cover your life and your children's lives already. I don't answer questions, or repeat myself. The only people I respond to are the people that got banned who came here just to support me. And I really don't even like to respond to them. But they were here because I don't have the time or patience for this environment. I don't speak to anyone else here because there is no point....It's mostly just nerds, and a hand ful of mind geek minions with a bunch of aliases. So apart from very sporadic thread updates which I deem critical, I won't be here at all.

And you are absolutely right about the devil-worshippers, but we all get judged in the end, whether you believe in God, the Devil, or nothing at all.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
Galatians 6:7
I'm not gay, nor am i a gay basher. I'm sure the point of my posts regarding the topic are over your head, so there is no point in discussing it further.

By definition, patronage, refers to financial backing and support. So I don't patronize this site. I don't hang out here either because there is nothing going on here for me, financially or otherwise...you guys drive straight woman away from here right into my arms, so, in general, the further away I am from here the better lolol I already have more original content then i know what to do with, but i don't even use most of it because I don't want to be part of what the porn industry is, to the extent there is still even a porn industry outside of re-runs, OnlyFans solo acts, etc.

But if I do come here, it's ONLY to speak the truth and try to save lives. But I don't even like to do that because I'm busy, and I've said enough to cover your life and your children's lives already. I don't answer questions, or repeat myself. The only people I respond to are the people that got banned who came here just to support me. And I really don't even like to respond to them. But they were here because I don't have the time or patience for this environment. I don't speak to anyone else here because there is no point....It's mostly just nerds, and a hand ful of mind geek minions with a bunch of aliases. So apart from very sporadic thread updates which I deem critical, I won't be here at all.

And you are absolutely right about the devil-worshippers, but we all get judged in the end, whether you believe in God, the Devil, or nothing at all.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
Galatians 6:7
Well, you don't call my beliefs a rambling, disconnected, sophomoric collection of horseshit that the Weekly World News wouldn't run, but I suspect your beliefs are, and I'll have to call them that. Your tolerance and relative respect for homosexuals (in spite of, like, buckets of shit you said to the contrary, posts before) is refreshing, so I guess you're not a total waste. Okay, carry on with your self-talking nitwittery, and best of luck with resolving your sexual identity questions. Cheers!


Baconsalt > WTC7
*I don't reveal sources

Chris Benoit Double Murder plus Suicide

"...The fear of eternal torture as a clone and their families killed inspires loyalty through fear, They've made examples of others every once in a while,, Chris Benoit the wrestler for wwe was one such example, they messed him up badly, I'll be writing more in depth about what happened with him too, it was terrible...he was a really good person, wouldn't be evil didn't like them called them names while there said he didnt want to attend, they made an example of him, He'd also stolen the wife of a rich Satanic cloner with a lot of pull with the Illuminati, he got it bad...dead now, killed his wife kid and himself, week before his best friend some woman died of aneurysm, Done by the Illuminuts just to bother him, the woman didnt do anything, she was just a really good friend of his and they had her cloned and did the aneurysm thing to her…I’m going to clear Chris Benoit's name cuz a bunch of people said he was crazy had too many hits to the head and steroids and pain killers, but it was cloning and Mk Ultra that messed him up. ..they dropped the wheel on him as they say.... an occult term for utterly destroying someones life until they die..."


Kevin Sullivan (professional wrestler) Is A Rich Satanic Cloner


LaVey was a CIA pawn actor puppet, and Mansfield was a satanic slave sacrificed because she didn't live up to expectations.

Intelligence agencies have infiltrated and created some satanic groups, with the resurgence of groups of this type beginning in 1966, with the birth of the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey. LaVey studied criminology in S.F. and worked in the SFPD crime lab, he also worked as an informant for Interpol. Prior to the Church of Satan, LaVey ran a group called theMagic Circle.
LaVey's most famous associate is the NSA's General Michael Aquino. At the time of his membership in LaVey's group Aquino was an Army specialist in intelligence and psychological warfare. In 1973 he became the executive officer of the 306
th Psychological Operations Battalion contemporary with his founding of the Church of Set. (Kieth pg 129)
General Michael Aquinowrote, "From PSYOP to MINDWAR: The Psychology of Victory". Aquino's thesis stated that enemy population could be subdued by inflicting a state of psychological terror and feelings of imminent destruction. He discusses the use of psychotronic weapons or electromagnetic weapons that influence the mind. Capitulation
could be induced without firing a shot by extremely low frequency (ELF) signals piggybacked on broadcasts of radio, TV, or microwave communications, to influence and
manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the target population. During the 60's he was prominent in the Church of Satan and a close friend of Anton LaVey, until he started his own Church of Set


Baconsalt > WTC7
The Soul = Our Energy

6:00 mark of movie
14.23 mark of movie

Aliens/Demons crave this energy…

“…So For Aliens it is important that we are not aware of the soul.

8:11 video mark (promoting Clonaid & Alien/Raelian Nazi Demonic Ideologies)(Soft-Disclosure Programming)

They accomplish this goal by numbing us with media, politics, financial markets, etc.

This is possible only thru a mental control program (MK-Ultra) process which is overseen by alien hybrid beings, and the world’s true powers i.e. Masonic Lodges, Merchant Banks, Military Research Institutes, Universities, Secret Services, etc….”


Operation Mockingbird


Baconsalt > WTC7
In reference to the last video, make sure you know that I posted that video as an example of MK-Ultra programming & Operation Mockingbird. Using the real issue of media bias, to promote Trumps idiotic lies and failures for the Illuminati. I do not endorse, Attikisson, Trump, or Mercola.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
I've been thinking about inquiring about this for some time. I'm totally serious and intend to show respect.

Do you believe in something like intermittent demonic possession? What I mean by that is you have an entity inside you that comes out to defend the structure when it's necessary. It's not a strong entity but something that stays with you flipping on and off when it needs to. I know it seems crazy but I've watched myself from a third person perspective enough times to ask about it.
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Baconsalt > WTC7
That is an interesting question. I am going to separate your issue of Demonic Possession, from MK Ultra based mind programming. In Mk-Ultra, alters are purposely created for specific purposes by inducing trauma in a subject, usually at a very early age. In these structures, certain alters will, from time to time, surface to protect the overall system.

One could fairly ask wether this mental stratification process is demonic. The MK-Ulta process itself is demonic, but the alters that are created generally aren’t.

This multiple-personality process can also happen naturally, if traumatic, or other, events in your life led your personality to split. An alternate personality may not necessarily be a demonic alter just because it may suggest violent or aggressive agendas to protect the whole person. Although God is clear in his teachings that no person, or persona, is to pursue violent means, to achieve goals.

Generally speaking, however, to any extent that your are a real satanist, intermittent possession is not only possible, but very likely, depending on the actual extent of your involvement in satanism or satanic cults/organizations.
